Louise manages to blow the one commitment she has.
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Okay so I've never been this late to pick up the kids. UNLESS...WAIT...The afterschool program... It starts today...I think I'm actually right on time. (laugh) I really do live in my own parallel universe.
Maybe I should lose this hat. I'm cooking my brain. Or am I dehydrated from the caffeine?
That's interesting. When did I stop dressing like an artist?... Was she wearing a SKIRT with those- - Whoa. Better watch where I'm going. I like strappy... AndSHE'S very grounded. Confident. I'd love to have that confidence.
Where is everybody? It seems oddly quiet. Oh no. The afterschool program. I bet it starts next week. The door is LOCKED? I 'm gonna give this principal a PIECE of my mind!
AHHH! Scary person! I'm not saying one word.
Okay. I'm obviously in the wrong-- but she's acting like I'm an unfit mother!
Where does this woman get off! I don't like her attitude.
I'm sick of getting no respect. --From ANYBODY. So tired of playing dollhouse and-- and Ninja Turtles in the dollhouse. I've HAD IT!!! I can't breathe. Just cause I don't have a big job! Or any power AT ALL. It's FU*%ed UP-- Motherhood, apparently, breaks down every last shred of ego. Til you become a shell...filled with self-doubt... invisible! WIth no way out. Not even an emergency exit.
And what's a thousand times worse -- compared with most womens' situations-- mine probably looks downright rosy.