It's feeling like I'm in some kind of crazy dance with my life, a dance that I normally wouldn't have even been aware of. Instead of scowling at the person who plopped down in one of the three subway seats I'd sort of figured were 'mine', I smiled at her. She was pretty in a very unpretentious and open way and she even apologized for 'crowding me'. Before long we were talking and soon after that I sat down beside her so I could hear better and not have to shout.
Remember when something falls into Louise's lap on the subway? (ep 23) Kind of happened to me today.
She'd gone to a 'Conversation' with Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer last night, the creators and stars of Broad City which, in case you don't know, is a hugely fun and funny show on Comedy Central but which started out as an East Village web series with a very small audience. Ever curious, I popped the question: "Did they have some pearl of wisdom to share?" According to my new friend, the gist of what they said was : "We kept taking the next logical step."
That's it.
It sounds sort of like Victoria Trestrail's response to my plea the other day HOW DO YOU DO IT? "One task at a time."
Combine Victoria's and the Broad City team's wisdom with Dr. Kumar's unforgettable: "It all comes down to luck and destiny" and hey, the pressure just evaporates. BOOM.
PS Neither my new friend nor I had business cards on us but she told me her very unusual last name. Funny thing she didn't mention that she's kind of a big deal. Crazy who you can meet on the subway if you don't have a sizable "I'm too busy" chip on your shoulder.