
Go Big or Go Bust: Day 188 (on the chaos of a web series edited by someone learning Final Cut 7 and X and spread over eight years of hard drives)

Mr. Green isn't showing me any sympathy at all.  He has his challenges with the lawn mower and his top-secret-chemistry projects.  (Nothing like Breaking Bad, I assure you.)  But how I would like to have some 1920 x 1080 files to work with, some consistency and order instead of this chaos.  Mr. Green loves to quote Emerson to me: “Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.” 

This is what I'm dealing with in assembling the elements for the *highlights reel*.  And instead of writing, am going with the old  'picture is worth a thousand words'.   Look ... and weep

This took two days.   Note the various, less than ideal sizes of the elements. 

This took two days.   Note the various, less than ideal sizes of the elements.