This month, The Louise Log is five years old, almost to the day. For five years, it's been my all-consuming passion, occasionally for 24 hours a day, often for 20. I've loved every minute of every day.
Christine Cook as Louise
If you watch one episode, it's obvious that the production has been possible only because a lot of other people have given freely of their time, talents and energy. And when I say 'freely', I mean it literally. No one is in this for the money: almost no one has been paid.
Speaking for the whole production team, please know that your interest, your enthusiasm and your feedback have been more important than you might imagine, crucial to our ability to keep going.
Jennifer Sklias-Gahan
But in spite of all we've accomplished, I'm finally eating my conviction that "the cream will rise", that by making good work "we'll break through the clutter". We need a much bigger audience to make The Louise Log sustainable and we're not finding it by word-of-mouth.
Today marks the earnest beginning of a new phase: Marketing and Promotion. Though there are still several episodes waiting to be edited (with work by some very talented actors you know and some you've never met) the monthly uploads are on hold until we've given our all to getting the word out.
(l to r) Christine Cook and Pascal Escriout at Tournesol in Long Island City
We need your help.
If you have any connections with popular or very popular blogs, or with traditional or online media which you'd be willing to help us to reach, please write me at
And if you don't have these kinds of friends? There's still a lot you can do. Please take a look at the list of actions* (below) which will make a difference- and could make a big difference.
(l to r) Christine Cook, Catherine Siracusa and Jennifer Sklias-Gahan
And please let me know what you're doing to spread the word so I can thank you!
I'll keep you posted on our progress. And thank you so very very much for your support.
With my best,
P.S. As of yesterday, Subscribers to the mailing list get access to behind-the-scenes videos. You can see these too. Just subscribe on the home page or on the contact page: and you'll receive a secret url and a password. (Ed. note: it's now a secret url, no password)
*act now!
1. Post the link to an episode you like on facebook and/or twitter and tell your friends why they should watch
2. Subscribe to my channel on YouTube: (lots of subscribers = YouTube pushes your videos)
3. "thumbs up", Comment and Share the videos on YouTube using the little buttons under the video screens. (You have to click on a video on my channel page to be taken to a page where you'll find the buttons. This is what you'll see:
under the orange bar you can: give it a 'thumbs up' , a 'thumbs down' (if you must), or 'Share' it. When you click on the 'Share' button, you'll see:
you can easily share a video this way to facebook, twitter and Google+ or by email. Making comments here on YouTube along with any of these other actions improves our algorithm with YouTube and YouTube will then push the video.
4. Click the 'Like' button on The Louise Log's facebook page:
5. Tell your family and friends about the series and send them the link: or the link to a single YouTube video.
6. Donate! no amount is too small! Promotion and production need funding.
7. Pat yourself on the back for me. You've made a difference and I thank you from my heart.
Sophia Remolde and shoes at Tournesol in Long Island City
(l to r) Catherine SIracusa, Pascal Yen-Pfister and Christine Cook